Electricity is part of our daily life from lighting and appliances to the heating system and even our gadgets. Despite all these benefits, it risks danger that could result in electrical hazards. Electrical hazards can cause shocks, fire, or even death. Regular checks should be done on the electrical systems in your home.Below, we’ll look at some common electrical hazards found in homes and how you can avoid them to ensure that you and your family live in a safe environment.
1. Overloaded Outlets and Power Strips
The fact is, one of the most common causes of electrical fires is overloading outlets or power strips. If many high-wattage, heavy-duty appliances are plugged into one outlet, or if power strips have too many devices connected to them, then the circuitry can heat up to dangerous levels.
2. Damaged or Frayed Cords
Another one of the common hazards that people have in homes is damaged or frayed cords. When worn out or with exposed wires, this can lead to electric shocks or fires if not attended on time.
3. Faulty Wiring
Poor wiring is another major source of concern in terms of home safety, especially for people living in old homes. It may produce electric shocks, short circuits, or even fire if not taken care of.
4. Not Using the Extension Cords Correctly
Extension cords are really convenient, but if used thoughtlessly or overloaded, could pose hazards. In cases of this, extension cords should never be used as permanent wiring.
5. Old Electrical Panels
Electrical panels in older homes may not be rated for today’s electrical loads, increasing the chances of circuit overloading and fires.